Paris is always considered by French people as a big city with polution and no green. This picture taken from the "Promenade plantée" on the avenue Daumesnil seems to prove the contrary doesn't it ?
Sorry for not posting yesterday but it was a public holiday in France and I was away from Paris and couldn't get close to internet.
Indeed very green, it's the time.
What holiday?
Is was "Assumption day" a Christian holiday.
Wow, it looks like the trees are trying to come together above the cars to make a green tunnel.
Mais oui, heureusement qu'ils sont là ! Mais comparée à Londres ou Berlin, Paris n'est pas très "verte". Bon weekend (oui je sais je suis un peu en retard).
Green enough for me...
Beautiful. If those are maple trees(?) they must make a most spectacular autumn display as well.
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