Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring, blue sky and ... volcanic cloud !

Perfect weather today in Paris with a great blue sky but unfortunately way up there there is a huge volcanic cloud covering most of Europe and blocking all air traffic since Thursday. We hope that it would end today but Paris airports have been closed until Monday morning and probably more ! Never had this situation and guess what ? I was supposed to take a flight tomorrow for my spring break ! Flight cancelled and nothing available before next Friday ... if the cloud has gone ... if not I may also be unemployed because it would mean 1 whole week without any flight ! Well in the meantime just enjoy the trees ... 


Virginia said...

Laurent, I think this must be so stressful for those in the travel industry as also the ones trying to fly in and out of European airports

Fred said...

Oui. Je suppose qu'en ce premier WE de vacances cela doit vous pénaliser...

Bon, pour une fois... ce nest pas trop grave !