Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hot !

We have hot summer days in Paris with 31° yesterday and I nearly joined these kids having fun at the Parc André Citroen.


Leif Hagen said...

Why didn't you? Ah, your camera...

Anonymous said...

Hi. Found your blog from someone's link.

31? That's pretty much. We rarely got above 30 here in Copenhagen.

Visit my photoblog:

Karen said...

I need to find one of those here in Florida.. It's much too hot here, too.

Meri said...

Fountain frolic! The perfect antidote to heat.

Virginia said...

And I hate to point out the lack of air conditioning in Paris. As a southerner, we really are use to that. Just one of the few things I don't miss . I don't know this park Laurent. Looks like fun and cool too!