Mozart was also played outside during the "Opera des rues" event. Yesterday we had this great "Cosi fan tutte" version at the Place d'Aligre in the 11th arrondissment. Really stunning.
Only in Paris we can see opera in a place outside. I love Paris, maybe it's the most beautifull city in the world. You have a nice blog. I will follow your blog. Sincerely yours, Paulo Camacho
Hi Thank you very much for your quick reply and also for letting me use your photo. I look forward to seeing more photos too. Thank you.
I have been looking right through your posts, i have been to quite a few of the areas... and My friends in Paris love exploring, walking down little lanes...
I miss it, it has taken me a few days to settle back home.
Paris is my city and since taking pictures and sharing them is something I like, here are daily pictures of the city of lights which I hope you will enjoy.
Do not hesitate to comment and/or ask questions about the pictures and life in Paris. I'll be happy to answer.
Only in Paris we can see opera in a place outside. I love Paris, maybe it's the most beautifull city in the world.
You have a nice blog.
I will follow your blog.
Sincerely yours,
Paulo Camacho
GREAT opera photo! It looks like it was a wonderful show!! I love it, love it!
No matter how long you stay á Paris, when you go home you are always missing something! I love this opera in the streets event. Sigh
Hi Thank you very much for your quick reply and also for letting me use your photo. I look forward to seeing more photos too. Thank you.
I have been looking right through your posts, i have been to quite a few of the areas... and My friends in Paris love exploring, walking down little lanes...
I miss it, it has taken me a few days to settle back home.
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