Monday, May 3, 2010

A giraf in Paris

Watch out man ! You're followed !


Stefan Jansson said...

Interesting wall. I like the unicycle man in front of the guy who is being followed by the giraffe.

Starman said...

At least,the giraffe is only following, the horse, on the other hand, is kicking.

♥ E.T. Suzy ♥ said...

It does appear as though the giraffe is trying to keep up with his friend.

Luis Gomez said...

Great wall! I love how the man seems to be walking along with everybody else.

Gunn said...

I LOVE this! FUN & CREATIVE. A nice street shot!

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like that guy's about to have his ear nibbled -:)

James said...

This is a really fun and cool shot! :)