Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Impasse Mousset

A charming dead end street in the 12th arrondissement called "Impasse Mousset".


amit gupta said...

nice shot laurent.....it looks like the white building has grown hair....
have a nice day

Harriet said...

Somehow it's hard to imagine "quiet" streets in Paris!

You have a new photo. Is this truly the same person as in the previous photo??? I'm going to insist that Virginia meet you on her next trip to Paris to verify which one of these pics is really, really you!

Love your photos. Keep 'em coming.

Laurent said...

Yes Harriet it's really the same person but I let my hair grow a little ... this picture was taken in Las Vegas last july. But anyway I'm ok with meeting Virginia so you'll get her point of view !

Virginia said...

Well it's a date Laurent! I'll be happy to give my humble opinion!! Now let me dig around and find a pile of Euros and I'll be right over. Hey and what happens in Vegas stayed in Vegas I hope! :)

cewmont said...

very nice shot.