Monday, January 31, 2011
Queuing for André Kertész
Yesterday I went to see the André Kertész retrospective exhibition at the Jeu de Paume in the Tuileries garden (this is the beautiful building you see on the picture). I honestly did not know much about this photographer's work and I have been completely under the charm of his pictures especially the Paris and New York ones since these are my two cities I love. If you like photography and happen to be in Paris before February 6th I highly recommend this exhibition. And while waiting you just have to turn around and here is what you can see : ... well the City Daily Picture request only one picture a day so you will have to wait not even for tomorrow since it will be theme day but wait until Wednesday to see what the view from the Jeu de Paume is like ...
Link to the Jeu de Paume : here
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunny Sunday on the Court House
Sunny but so cold today ! Anyway it's great for pictures so here is the Paris Court House standing on the one of the Seine river Isles (Ile de la Cité). A monumental building as court houses often are.
Have a great Sunday !
Saturday, January 29, 2011
New year is approaching
... Chinese New Year of course as you can see with the decorations in the 13th arrondissement where the Chinese quarter is located. In Paris you cannot speak of a "Chinatown" like you can find in New York or San Francisco since it is much smaller and not so delimited. But the Chinese quarters in parts of the 13th and 20th arrondissement are nice to walk in.
Libellés :
Chinese quarter,
Friday, January 28, 2011
5 avenue de l'Observatoire
If you're in Paris and you like architecture or simply nice buildings I would recommend this gorgeous one located at 5 avenue de l'Observatoire near the south entrance of the Luxembourg garden. Below is a close up to the fabulous elephant head upon the window on the right, unfortunately cut by a bad framing (sorry) but I did not want you to miss it :
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Surviving Christmas lightings in the Galerie Vivienne
The beautiful Galerie Vivienne is a covered passage with nice shops and restaurants. I was happy to see that they still had their holidays ligths on. And look at the splendid floor ! The Galerie has its own website if you want to have a look go to : Galerie Vivienne
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Saint Michel fountain
As promised yesterday, here is the Saint Michel Fountain. Built in 1860 it is facing the Seine River and represents the archangel Saint Michael victorious on the evil.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Street scene : waiting
These people are waiting for other people in front of the Saint Michel Fountain in the Latin quarter. This place is a very common place for Parisian to give a rendez vous in this area. I will show the fountain tomorrow.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Palais du Luxembourg and Montmartre
The Luxembourg Palace is the home of the French Senat located in the Luxembourg garden. Thanks to the zoom we can see Montmartre in the background. Have a nice Sunday !
Libellés :
Luxembourg garden,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Green street
Grass in the middle of the street ! That is how the Tramway route is designed and it is a good thing in a so busy city. The Tramway has been back in Paris since December 2006 in the south part of the city where I took this picture near "Porte d'Orleans". Its route is following what we call "les Marechaux" which are the boulevards circling Paris and named after army officer ( Maréchal is a military rank). The first route was completed in 2006 and goes along the 15th, 14th and 13th arrondissements. Now they are building the second part going on along the 12th, 20th, 19th and 18th arrondissement. If you're interested, the official Paris Tramway Website is available in English here.
By the way, thanks for your sweet comment on my "anniversaire" post. I am happy when I read that people from all over the world have a look on my blog and seem to like it. Thanks again !
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Deuxième anniversaire !
Today "Daily Photo in Paris" is 2 years old ! I started on January 20th 2009 with an Eiffel tower picture and also celebrated the first anniversary with her so here she is again today.
Thank you all for reading my blog and sharing your thoughts and comments. This past year I had the great chance to meet two of my blog friend in person. I hope that this coming year I will meet more of you.I also hope that you still like my posts. Do you ?
Libellés :
Eiffel Tower
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Street artist ?
If you've ever been in Paris you certainly noticed these "poles" on the pavements which prevent cars from parking. Their natural color is dark brown and suddenly here in my street we discovered that during the night they all were painted in bright and various colors. maybe a street artist ?
Libellés :
My neighbourhood,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Blue sky on the Seine too
The Pont des Arts ( Arts Bridge ) is a pedestrian bridge leading to the Louvre museum. Here it is seen from the Square du Vert Galand, a little garden located at the end of the isle de la Cité. This is still one of my last Sunday pictures with the blue sky which is gone now. The big building on the right side is the Louvre museum. Like yesterday's picture I know this one is very "touristic" but you see, even though I'm a Parisian I so much enjoy these places and never get tired of shooting them.
Monday, January 17, 2011
More blue sky
I told you yesterday that I will post more sunday blue sky picture. Here is the Notre Dame Cathedral with the Christmas tree which is still there. I just love it !
Libellés :
Notre Dame
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Along the Seine
The Seine river level is rather high these days as you can see on this shot I took this afternoon. Not really what we can call floods but it's a nice view. As you can see we've had a perfect blue sky all day which is great for wandering around and take pictures. You may get some more of today's this week ...
Libellés :
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Paris' wishes for 2011
It's not too late for wishes so I wanted to show you what the City Major and his council created this year. This poster is displayed all over Paris showing the City Hall with the lights of the "Nuit Blanche" event and the text is very good : " Nice year 2011, in a capital city where differences meet and respect, a city who loves life."
Libellés :
Champs Elysées,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Rue de la Banque
A street view in the rue de la Banque with the former Paris stock exchange building named Le Palais Brogniart in the background. A nice building also on the right side. I do not know what it is.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
On sale
The guy is not on sale (I guess) but he was preparing the H&M window for the Winter Sales season which started yesterday in Paris. Let's go shopping !
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Blog friend diner
We finally did it ! Virginia (from Paris Through my Lens and Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo blogs) and I met ! Yesterday I had a nice diner with her and her friends Mary and Peter (from Peters's Paris blog). I was delighted by this evening and the food was good too ! That's was I like this blog which give us the opportunity to share and sometimes even meet.
Libellés :
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Rue de la Gaité
The street named "rue de la gaité" is located in the Montparnasse area on the 14th arrondissement side. It's a small street known for its numerous little theaters and the area is full of restaurants also. This painted wall stands at the beginning of the street and its colors represent the street as "gaité" is the old way of writing "gaieté" which means "cheerfulness" in French.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Galette des Rois
This is a French tradition each January : la Galette des Rois. Absolutely a bag time for the diet but "que diable" !!! Inside the cake there is a little figurine and the one who got it becomes the king or queen (see crowns on the galettes).
If you want to know more about this tradition : see Wikipedia short and good description.
Libellés :
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Rainy Champs Elysées
I was on the Champs Elysées yesterday night and while waiting for my friend under the rain I took this picture (among others...) that I wanted to share with you today. I do not like the rain but I must admit it gives nice pictures sometimes especially at night.
Libellés :
Arc de Triomphe,
Champs Elysées,
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Green and gold on the Opera roof
This picture would have looked much better with a blue skies but temperatures are rising and rain is back on Paris roofs.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Riding the Champs Elysées
The lights on the Champs Elysées are soon going to be taken off and I realize that I did not show it this year so here it is with that brave guy riding on this very busy avenue.
Libellés :
Champs Elysées,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Musée Carnavalet

It has been such a long time since my last visit at the Carnavalet Museum that I barely remembered its beautiful and big collection. This museum presents Paris history and is certainly a must see if you like our city. I must admit that it surly needs some renovation especially with the lightnings but it's a free entrance museum so let's be indulgent ! And it's also located in 2 absolutely gorgeous Mansions that worth visit even just for the buildings themselves.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Special thoughts for Australia
Australia and the Eiffel tower together, this makes a perfect sign to share thoughts with people touched by the floods and with all my Australia readers. By the way this is not a photo-montage but an ad for on the Australian Embassy building.
Libellés :
Eiffel Tower
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Le dernier Père Noël
One more and last Santa Claus on an old motorbike decorating a Café. And rouge too !
Thanks for your warn wishes and once again happy new year !
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Theme day : Photo of the year 2010
I posted this photo on november 21st when the giant wheel returned to the Place de la Concorde for the holiday season to celebrate this month's theme day.
I also wish you all a very happy new year or as we say in French : je vous souhaite une excellente année 2011 !
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Libellés :
Place de la Concorde,
Theme Day
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