Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer and music

Yes today is the first day of summer and honestly you would never believe it is considering the 11 degrees we have this morning in Paris. Well, the weather people say it's going to warm up this week ... let's hope they're right.
Anyway on the first day of summer, France is celebrating Music with the "Fêtes de la Musique" (Music feast). This event started in 1982 and spread to more than 100 countries worldwide. 
During the whole day and night people will be playing music and singing in streets, bars , stages ... You can find any kind of music you like from pop to jazz and classical to rap performed by one single artist or big bands.The lady on my picture it not playing for the event but she's a street artist you can see in Montmartre. I thought her picture would suit today's theme and I do not have pictures of today's artists yet. By the way it should not rain today so let's have fun ... after work of course ! 
Does your country have this event ?  


Sciarada said...

Ciao Laurent what beautiful, recent tradition the Fetes de la Musique and what wonderful street artist you have captured with this photo

Sharon said...

I don't know of an event like this here. This would make the day magical.

Leif Hagen said...

She's quite talented if she can play both! I just hope some people throw some coins in her instrument case!

Starman said...

Very talented is she plays both instruments

Zoe said...

I saw this lady just outside of St Eustache a few years ago. A man was beside her playing the violin while she played her instrument. I stayed to listen for awhile and slipped some euros into the violin case as I moved on.I always have wonder what their story is--.