Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Velib is 3

Velib, Paris free bike, is celebrating its 3rd birthday. Of course it is not perfect but it really didi change the city and it became the first transportation choice for many Parisian (I am one of them!).
Lots of big cities around the world also started their free bike system like recently in London. In France, the city of Lyon (south east) was the first to install these bikes and since Paris did it many other French cities joined the movement.


Flossy said...

What a great idea! I'm from Australia and we have nothing like that here.

Vreni said...

I love the Vélibs, but prefer to use them at night when the traffic is not so bad.

Sharon said...

This is such a great idea!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Good shot and a great idea.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Dianne said...

fabulous idea and to think of the -cut back on pollution- in Paris is even better. Another smart move by your current Mayor.

Virginia said...

WEll I think it's terrific although you won't find me on one! IT's the best thing for all you fit and daring Parisians! :)

Janet Dillon Robinson said...

That is so ridiculously cool.

glduro_marieloupe said...

Here in Rio we also have this bicycles like in Paris. We posted a picture of them in one of the points of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. Take a look:

Besides our mayor was in Paris and toured with his staff and journalists.

hanna said...

That is such a great idea for numerous reasons.

I really wish we had that here in the U.S., but I'm sure it won't happen anytime soon. On the west coast perhaps, but not here in the Northeast where I live.

It's great to see it happening in France though, and London as well.