Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bye bye Paris

My long time blog followers know that I'm a holiday guy and like ever year in February it's time for my winter break somewhere in the world. As I do not like automatic postings the Daily Photo in Paris will be on old and I am inviting you to look at my previous pictures while I'm away. A bientôt !


Marietta Daily Photo said...

Bonnes vacances!

Polly said...

Have a great vacation, Laurent, we'll all look forward to seeing what you have to share when you return!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Have fun, wherever you are in the world. Someplace warm I bet.

Harriet said...

We'll miss you while you're away. Bon Voyage!

Amanda said...

Have fun!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wonderful time to escape and seek warmer climes... Can't wait to see some photos. Safe travels, Laurent.


PeterParis said...

Have a nice break! ... and in the meantime I will admire your previous photos!

Alexa said...

Did you know that your camera is one of those electronic devices you're supposed to turn off during takeoff and landing? Or are you like me and just don't care to obey that rule? :~} Hope you have de tres bonnes vacances, Laurent!

Lucie said...

Will miss your lovely photos.

Virginia said...

Bises Laurent, bon voyage!

lady jicky said...

have a great holiday and maybe... you might come to Australia one day ???:)

I adore your shots of Paris - my favourite place in the World!
thankyou :)

bilsot said...

I'm looking forward to see you back soon!
Rest, enjoy yourself and come back stronger, dear friend Laurent!

Isabel said...

I have enjoyed my little trip to Paris....! It will be great to visit your city each day with your lovely photographs. See you tomorrow!!

Harriet said...

This must be a 2 week (quinze jours) vacation....just waiting for your return.