The BNF for Bibliothèque Nationale de France is the National Library also called François Mitterand Library (former French President). It's in the south east of the city, an area that has been completely re-built these last years. The library is made of 4 towers looking like open books with a large garden in the middle.
The boats on the river banks offer cafés and concerts like the red one called "Bateau Phare".
This is an area I have not visited. I'd like to see the inside courtyard of the Library. What's that funky yellow fellow on the side? Leave it to the French-ha!
The yellow fellow is there because there is an exibition at the Library on children books. If you read French : http://expositions.bnf.fr/livres-enfants/expo/decouverte/index.htm
I will post a picture of the garden for you.
Tell me more about the boat named "Charleston." I live in Charleston, South Carolina and am very interested to know if there is any link to my home city. I have visited Paris many times, but I have never been in this area.
Merci, I appreciate you answering my question. I love Paris and am so interested in more things to see since I will be back the last week in May and first 2 weeks in June. After that we will be in Fontaine-FOurches for a week. Perhaps we can meet while I"m there this summer. I have several other blog friends there and it would be fun for us all to get together.
I would be gald to meet you.
The Charleston is a barge that has been rebuilt as a restaurant. You can rent it for parties or diners. If you can read French, they have a website : http://www.penichecharleston.com
Merci, Laurent.
Je parle et lis un peu le francais et j'irai le site maintenant.
Vous etes né à Paris? J'aime bien vos photos.
Merci pour votre commentaire. Je ne suis pas né à Paris mais tout près à Versailles et j'ai fait mes études à Paris où je vis depuis 20 ans.
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