Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Postcard Paris

Let's end August with a "carte postale" view of my city through this picture of a painting in Montmatre's Place du Tertre. That's anyway also a side of Paris I like.


Randy said...

I can see why you like it, that is such a beautiful painting!

Dianne said...

Love that painting!! so full of colour.

Starman said...

Cool, a painting in a picture. Love the street lamp, aussi.

Sharon said...

Wonderful painting of a classic Paris scene. I think I know exactly where you are in the photo!

Danny said...

This is very nice post card painting and it is somehow revealing the city.

Paris Paul said...

I saw a documentary here in Paris that many of those styles of paintings in the Montmartre galleries are actually painted in China! I kid you not...

Virginia said...

Say what you will, it's such a wonderful part of Paris. Many really good artists are to be found as well.

Espresso said...

Great photo :)