Thursday, January 20, 2011

Deuxième anniversaire !

Today "Daily Photo in Paris" is 2 years old ! I started on January 20th 2009 with an Eiffel tower picture and also celebrated the first anniversary with her so here she is again today.
Thank you all for reading my blog and sharing your thoughts and comments. This past year I had the great chance to meet two of my blog friend in person. I hope that this coming year I will meet more of you.I also hope that you still like my posts. Do you ?


cieldequimper said...

Rooo mais oui !
Bon anniversaire, tu me précèdes de quelques jours !

SCATTI said...

Yes We like your posts and your Blog!
Good anniversary!

cocoa and coconut said...

Bonne anniversaire mon amis!
Je suis contente que j'ai trouvé ce blog. J'aime beaucoup.

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!!

Janey and Co. said...

Of course I do. I have my first cup of coffee with you every morning! Thank You!

Elan said...

Oui! J'aime beaucoup! Bon anniversaire :)

Eleanor said...

Happy anniversary! I enjoy your daily window on life in Paris.

Eleanor said...

Happy Anniversary. I like your daily views of life in Paris!

alice said...


Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations! Excellent, keep the images coming.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. I look forward to spending my first full year following your blog. That says I enjoy your posts as I will never see Paris otherwise.

Harriet said...

Oui, oui, oui, j'adore your photos and comments on Paris! Joyeux anniversaire! I can't remember exactly when I found your blog, but I think it was early on and I've been enjoying nearly every day since. Merci.

Deb in Mars said...

Happy Anniversary! I try to follow you each day. Love your photos. Thanks for bringing Paris to my computer each day.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull blog. We watch Paris every morning and enjoy your prospective on the daily scenes of life in Paris. We have been to Paris twice and want to return to see all the interesting places we did not visit.
Happy Anniversary and many many more.
Phyllis Hobson VA, USA

Julie said...

Well done on your 2nd anniversary as a daily blogger. Quite a feat.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. You are my piece of Paris

MadAboutParis said...

Well done Laurent...I so enjoyed meeting you last week-wishing you many, many more years of Paris glimpses!

Amanda said...

Joyeux deuxieme anniversaire!
Everyday I look forward to seeing new pictures of Paris.

Alexa said...

Congrats, Laurent! I like your posts very much (and I love this b&w photo too)—keep it up, please!

Virginia said...

Mon chèr Lauent,
I"m late but wanted to wish you a very happy 2nd birthday. How grand to meet you in Prais. Here's to many more glasses of champagne and blogger meetings.

Johanna GGG said...

happy anniversary - I am a lurker who doesn't usually have time to comment (and don't now) but wanted to just say I love your photos!

Paulo Rafael said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my yes, Laurent. I check in regularly to look at your beautiful photos and am reminded of how much I love Paris every time but have never posted until now.

Your photos, and your comments on them, regularly brighten my day.

Can't wait to get back to Paris!


Gunn said...

Late, but still CONGRATULATION with 2 years blogging from Paris!:)
Do keep up the good work!

LimogesBoxCollector said...

Now, this is a fantastic photo - thanks for sharing it.