Saturday, January 29, 2011

New year is approaching

... Chinese New Year of course as you can see with the decorations in the 13th arrondissement where the Chinese quarter is located. In Paris you cannot speak of a "Chinatown" like you can find in New York or San Francisco since it is much smaller and not so delimited. But the Chinese quarters in parts of  the 13th and 20th arrondissement are nice to walk in.


cocoa and coconut said...

I'm 1/4 Chinese, and so yes we are gearing up for Chinese New year. It's great to see China town in other places too

Virginia said...

ROUGE!!!!! J'adore!

Anonymous said...

Your Chinese quarter looks much nicer and cleaner than our gritty Chinatown of San Francisco.

Starman said...

The 13é is one of my favorite sections of Paris.

Janey and Co. said...

I love the cheerful pop of color!

Nathalie said...

Très belle composition, la joie des lampions rouge envahit la rue, ça donne de l'énergie et du tonus !

The Beauty of Paris (La Beaute De Paris) said...

I enjoy looking at your photographs!! How often do you take photos everyday?