Friday, July 2, 2010

Soldes !

Soldes in the French for "Sales" and yes shopping time has started in Paris last Wednesday ! This picture is one of the main Paris department stores called "Bazar de l'Hotel de Ville" or BHV. A must see for its basement floor dedicated to "do it yourself" items.


SCATTI said...

Bandiere rosse allineate.
Scena molto "cinese"

Virginia said...

They have everything BUT a cheap travel clock! HA Trust me I know.

LOVE the red SOLDES signs. I regret that I missed them this trip. LAst summer I found some nice things at Monoprix when my luggage was lost for a while!

Sharon said...

I opened you site and immediately thought "time to go shopping". The word might be different but the look is the same.

Starman said...

LOVE the Soldes.

♥ E.T. Suzy ♥ said...

Sales are ongoing in the USA. I don't know if I could live with the twice-per-year system.

Ele said...

Oh I miss BHV! I have spent hours on their 'craft' floor in the past!!

SKIZO said...

In your honour and in the honour of wall the Photographers, I published an ilustration.