Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stohrer outside

This is an "historical" patisserie shop located rue Montorgueil in the 2nd arrondissement. The whole street which has became pedestrian is by the way very typical and this shop was created in 1730.
The pastry cook who opened the shop was Nicolas Stohrer. He invented a famous pastry here called "Baba au rhum". It's now also a deli and a caterer that you can ask to deliver food for hapenings. The shop is now classified as an historical building for the paintings inside made by painter Paul Baudry who also painted the inside of the Paris Opera.
The shop has it's website but only in French.
Tomorrow I will show what you can buy there ... 


Anonymous said...

i love this one, nice shot. check mine :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Laurent! How I miss Paris! I remember this patisserie! J'ai beacoup de photo a la rue Montorgueil! Merci pour cette photo formidable!

Harriet said...

I found the street on my map. That's an area that I have not visited. I will definitely check it out on my next trip.

Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

Lowell said...

Yum, yum! And thanks for the history; amazing that a shop can exist in the same place for so long.