Thursday, July 1, 2010

Theme day : reflexions

Today is CDP theme day. "Reflexions" is the theme so here is a mixed street and inside view of the famous chic Parisian "Café de la Paix" near the Opéra.
Temperatures are getting higher each day in Paris. 34 degrees today and a blue sky ... I love it !
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Tussy said...

Reflection of life, beautiful capture.

My Bangkok Through My Eyes

Anonymous said...

If it's that hot, no wonder those folks are inside enjoying the aircon!

Love the street reflection so we can see what the diners see!

Unknown said...

So much detail inside and outside!

Harriet said...

Wish I were part of the 'inside' view looking out.

Starman said...

If it's that hot, we're sure to start hearing of people who died from heat exhaustion. Will the French ever learn that A/C is a good thing and not a device from the devil?

SCATTI said...

Bella questa simbiosi tra l'interno del cafè e i riflessi della vita che si svolge all'esterno.