Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Les Parisiennes

Shopping or riding bikes, here are some "Parisiennes".


Julie said...

Here in Paris, bicycles are more popular than in my home city of Sydney. Here in the 7th they are a popular method for young women to get around. What do you think, Laurent? More females than males? More younger (20-30) than older (40-50). In my walk today, I will try to assess.

Anonymous said...

I've been away on a road trip for a month and still catching up on all the blogs I follow. As always, I enjoy the scenes you present of a city I will never see.

Virginia said...

Julie, I see many our age, and I am blown away. I'm too fearful !!!

Laurent, I do think the cycling keeps the women more fit. i'm sad that I haven't had that . Now I must walk and ride the Metro in Paris. Here, I drive EVERYWHERE. Not good.

Julie said...

Yes, I came to that conclusion yesterday Virginia: many women our age. But maybe that was the middle of the day. I walk/catch bus in Sydney. In Paris I mainly walk with the occasional metro if I have walked too far to get myself healthily home. I no longer drive which is good for me, but also saves much money even throwing in the occasional taxi.