Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring break

Some of you may wonder why I leave Paris while we're having a splendid weather but you know, I live and work here so for my holidays I need to be elsewhere and relax. See you in a while and enjoy my previous photos when I'm away. See you !


mauropucci said...

Have a nice trip and a nice holiday!

Amanda said...

Gone again? Have a good relaxing time.

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage.

Janey and Co. said...

You are going somewhere far away. If they filled those 747 tanks...You will not be landing for awhile. Shall we guess your destination?

Virginia said...

Woooooooshhhhhhhh, there you go again! Bon voyage chèr Laurent!

Anonymous said...

You make me jealous!!
Bon Voyage!!