Monday, May 25, 2009

A ride to the suburb

Yesterday my friends and I took our bikes and rode to this little castle in the suburb you may have heard of : Versailles. 
We had the most perfect weather for a sunday and despite the hard time we had climbing the hills of Saint Cloud and of the forest we loved our day. Once in the Versailles castle park we rode around the "Grand Canal" and enjoyed the views. I'm sorry Ciel for posting a photo of your city (see the great Versailles Daily Photo by Ciel) but I couldn' resist and I had to tell people about my 61 kms round trip ride!


Virginia said...

HOw lovely! Nice burb !HA

cieldequimper said...

Comment fait-on un smilie qui tire la langue ?? En tout cas, tu n'as pas peur de cette foule qui me fait prendre mes jambes à mon cou !

cieldequimper said...

PS : merci !

Anonymous said...

C'est magnifique! Pour moi, tous les deux peuvent post des millions des photos de Versailles! C'est toujours une vue superbe!!

Mais c'etait de la foule lá, hein?

It must be a wonderful day!

B SQUARED said...

Beautiful day for a bike ride.

Hilda said...

I thought this 'little' castle was familiar!

Gosh, how long did your ride take? And did you get to meet up with Ciel?

And I take it people aren't allowed on the lawn?

Laurent said...

@ Ciel : la foule n'était que près du chateau. Dès que tu t'éloignes vers le bout du Grand Canal le calme revient ... mais tu dois mieux connaître ça que moi !

@ Hilda : You're right, people are not allowed on the central lawns. About our ride we left Paris at noon and came back at 6 pm taking time for an icecream in this beautifull park

Harriet said...

I've never been to Versailles when there were so many people as in your photo!

Bravo on that bike ride. I would never have thought that was a feasible idea, distance wise. I think I'll stick with the RER.

Try for Virginia. Hope you two get to meet.

Petit secret: il y a une PETITE
possibilité que je visiterai à Paris en juillet.

lady jicky said...

So Laurent, I shall be looking out for you on the "Tour de France" in July!!! LOL

Sharon said...

That is quite a long ride! But, I see the reward was well worth it.

Unknown said...

Fantastic perspective and composition!