Monday, May 10, 2010

Shop entrance

Reflexions on the entrance of the Dior boutique. Maybe someone caring for my birthday present (yes it's today!).


Life Is A Road Trip said...

Have a very Happy Birthday!

Barb said...

Happy birthday....Barb

Eleanor said...

Bon anniversaire!

Dianne said...

I love this photo and I love "Dior" on Avenue Montaigne. I have been into this beautiful shop twice and both times after looking at the perfumes and scarves - have felt totally overwhelmed and left the shop feeling out of my depth. but in retrospect I was treated with respect and the door person and the assistant were most welcoming. why did I feel unworthy to be in such an elegant shop. maybe because I knew and they most probably guessed that I could not afford to buy anything. !! Drat.

cieldequimper said...

Dans tes rêves ! Bon anni !

Mes photos de Paris sont sur mon autre blog ! Donc pas de concurrence sur le daily photo ! ;-)

Amanda said...

Joyeux anniversaire Laurent!

SebFamily said...

Une pensée particulière de la Bretagne...
Joyeux anniversaire Laurent !
Big bisous

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Happy Birthday Laurent, hope you have a fun day. best wishes Anne

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and now you can start ordering drinks in bars:)

João said...

Joyeux anniversaire! Et comme ça est mon premiere commentaire je doit vous dire que j'adore votre blog!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday! Something from Dior would be nice.

Roseann said...

Happy Birthday, Laurent

Starman said...

Bon anniversaire, Laurent!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» te souhaite un anniversaire très joyeux!

♥ E.T. Suzy ♥ said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! Thank you for all you do for the lovers of Paris.

Harriet said...

Joyeux Anniversaire!!! Hope that you've had a very nice day.

Really nice photo.

Virginia said...

When I arrive in Paris in June (or July), I will buy you a glass of wine to toast your joyeux anniversaire!!!!!

Pat said...

Bon anniversaire! Et ce cadeau...?