Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jardin de l'Hôtel Denon

This tiny garden is a public garden located in Le Marais area called "The Denon mansion garden" (Hôtel in French is also used for mansion). The mansion is the splendid building you see in the background.


zakton said...

What a lovely mansion. The tiny garden is lovely too.

Leif Hagen said...

I wonder if it's a governmental building now? Or does it belong to Baron de Laurent?

Laurent said...

I so wish you were right Leif Hagen !!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Well, if it belongs to our Baron de Laurent, I would expect to be invited to a soiree, perhaps even a garden party!


Virginia said...

At first I thought this was the garden where the man was watching a rabbit romp, but now I"m not so sure. Anyway, I love this pretty place and I want to come to your soiree too!